by Mike Fearn | Aug 12, 2023 | inspiration
What is your attitude?
The combination of 3 things your thoughts, your feelings and your body actions.
Anyone you know or meet it is your attitude that leaves the impression of you on them.
Then he said, realize that most thoughts you have are unconscious so they are invisible to you
by Mike Fearn | Aug 6, 2023 | inspiration
Awareness of your mind, what is it?
Awareness of your mind, specifically attitude is a self-discovery and not a definition.
When you see and understand each of the pieces this will
become your game changer.
To clearly see your mind, means learning things you and I never learned
in school are life.
by Mike Fearn | Jul 3, 2023 | inspiration
When does your Best Ideas come to you?
So the repeated question is where do you start accomplishing
things you never have done before?
Test your imagination by timing how long it takes
by Michael Fearn | Jun 3, 2023 | inspiration
You have within yourself a 2 for 1 at any time you want and it’s free…
I call the forgotten you your “Child of Greatness”. Why?
Remember your present beliefs are the ones that you trust