How are You a wonder of the world…

Jul 29, 2023inspiration0 comments

What happens when you accomplish something you never done before?
You witness that exciting and adventurous you

You witness how your Intellect I call your mental muscles give you that natural ability to change.

Once you see that natural ability to change yourself whether it is small or large, you will want to see more.

Because this is when you see another part of yourself. The experience and the excitement of it is something by nature you will want to experience over and over.

Where else do you see the natural ability to change?
It is mother earth. She survives and strives because of her ability to change.
Her ability to change created the Grand Canyon, that wonder of the world.

If you placed a moral to this lesson, what would it be?
The 6 parts of your magnificent intellect are your natural ability to change. Repeating them:

Reasoning – the ability to think.
Intuition – sensing something not obvious.
Perception – Feelings toward another person or situation.
Memory – Your past resource.
Will power – the ability to focus.
Imagination – creating vivid pictures.

Whenever you exercise your intellect do immediately reward yourself. Give yourself something to make you want to exercise it. Exercise, Reward and keep repeating this.

I wrote this statement so you can repeat it to yourself for a day:
Creating any change means changing part of myself

So, what happens when you accomplish something you never done before?
You witness another wonder of the world which is that exciting and adventurous you.

Pick just one part of your intellect and focus using just it.
I like imagination. Pick yours.

The exercise keeps you in the present moment.

They are your mental muscles.

The below quote goes with this article:

Even a small change in my life…
only happens when I change…
A small part of myself…
I cannot remain the same. Repeat…

Always remember You are the Greatest…Mike


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